Ver Planck Historic Preservation Consulting


VerPlanck Historic Preservation Consulting provides wide-ranging services related to historical architecture, cultural landscapes, and community planning. The firm utilizes all aspects of contemporary historical documentation and analysis techniques at our disposal, including proprietary archival research and field investigation techniques, databases, and an extensive in-house library to prepare the highest-quality product for every need. We draw upon extensive experience with complex state and local regulatory standards, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to provide nuanced, balanced, and objective evaluations. Finally, though we approach every project differently, we apply to all of them our extensive background in California and regional history, as well as our knowledge of architectural styles and traditional construction materials and methods.

CEQA Planning Documents

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is the foundation of environmental policy and law in the state of California. It encourages the protection of the environment (including historic resources - Section 21084.1) by requiring agencies to prepare informational documents on the environmental effects of a proposed action before carrying out any discretionary activities. "Historical Resources" include properties listed in or formally determined eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or that are listed in an adopted local historic register.

VerPlanck Historic Preservation Consulting provides the expertise to determine whether a property is an historical resource for the purposes of CEQA. Locally we do this in the form of Historic Resource Evaluations (HRE) and Supplemental Information Forms. In these reports we research and detail information such as previous owners, original architect, construction history, and historic contexts. In contrast to the Supplemental Information Form, the HRE also evaluates the potential significance of the property, and if it appears to be a historical resource, we assess the potential impact(s) of the proposed project.


Pacific Rolling Mill Co. Plant
San Francisco Hall of Justice Replacement Project
10848 San Pablo Ave
Balboa Park
Former San Jose City Hall
50+ HREs and Supplemental Information Forms for
Properties in San Francisco